Computer Software - Recife, State of Pernambuco, Brazil
Partec is a 13-years experienced Information Technology (IT) company based on Recife, Brazil. Partec developed projects that range from electronic document management to voice recognition powered enterprise applications.In 2007, some graduates from the Informatics Centre of the Federal University of Pernambuco joined Partec in order the research and develop innovative applications on convergent systems (Web, mobile and digital television). A new business unit (codenamed "Tangerina") was selected in 2007, throught a call for proposals of the Agency of Innovation from the Brazilian Federal Government (FINEP), to receive financial support.The team has been working as an R&D lab, designing several product concepts specially Interactive TV applications. Along with others Brazilian companies, has been developing some trials or full products, such as with (the web media branch of Organizacoes Globo - Brazilian main broadcast company), Banco do Brasil (Brazilian biggest banking organization) and Microsoft Brazil.The team also made it to the second round of Deutsche Telekom Interactive TV Award, an international competition that aims at bring concepts of the future of interactive television to life throught the Deutsche Telekom IPTV Platform. The competition still have two additional phases remaining, in which the team can be awarded with additional 300k euros and, more important, to have its application positively impacting the life of millions of german citizens.