Advertising/Marketing/PR - Arlington, Texas, US
Employee communication specialists: At PartnerComm, all we do is employee and human resources communication, so you have our undivided attention. From benefits and annual enrollment to wellness, pay, retirement, and recruiting, PartnerComm creates award-winning communication on-time and on-budget. We’ve been in business for over 30 years and work with some of the best companies in the world. When you partner with us, you get our very best — every time. That’s because our writers, artists, consultants, legal team, and developers are all PartnerComm employees. We work as a team on every project. Whether you want a simple 401(k) print piece or a cutting-edge recruiting website, you can trust us to get the job done on time and on budget. Our HR content expertise guarantees that even the most complex HR messages are communicated accurately and clearly. We know how to turn jargon and legalese into everyday language that employees can understand. Our communication expertise gives you unparalleled creativity that rivals what you could get from the best ad agencies in the country. We know what works and why. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: @partnercomm and @pcommfilms YouTube: PartnerComm is an equal opportunity employer.
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