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https://www.patentpia.comPatentPia is a patent database, assessment and solutions company specializing in patent informatics. Since its establishment in 2002, it has been the leading patent intelligence solutions provider in the market.The company launched PatentRank ( in 2013, a total patent intelligence servicethat provides information on, among others, patents, current and previous right holders, patent technology,patent transaction, patent litigation, patent evaluation, NPEs, standardization and other materialsfor patent analysis.In 2014, the lab released a comprehensive, global-standard patent database, the Patentpia Database (, fully utilizing its extensive research and development over the past decade.The database achieved "Database Quality Certification-Value Gold Class" issued by Korea Database Agency, which is awarded only to databases that provide consistency rate of 99.9%. The company also provides KGT Report, a service created for producing tailor-made patent risk analysis reports, which can be generated either by company or by technology field. Thank You.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Experience one-stop patent analysis platform that provides a comprehensive set of patent intelligence informationwith Patentpia Database. For further product details, please contact