Information Technology & Services - Seoul, , South Korea
PatentPia's global patent database is a rich, highly interconnected source that can provide insights into the future of our economies and your business. By combining AI (machine learning) and big data technology, PatentPia enables businesses, financial institutions, law firms, research institutes and individuals to maximize their IP resources, perform due diligence, and identify methods to leverage IP assets by providing the necessary database for strategic analysis. PatentPia GoldenCompass identifies keywords that are highly related to emerging technology keywords for each type of technology and simultaneously provides over 100 data points supporting each score/grade ranking the keywords that are associated with each emerging technology.Valuable insights about, but not limited to, technology convergence, investments, R&D direction planning and rebalancing, patent portfolio expansion, and technology marketing may be derived from the strategic application of keywords describing emerging technologies and their related technical keywords.
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