Construction - Rome, Lazio, Italy
vimental has over 40 years experience in the construction, maintenance and upgrading of roads, motorways, bridges, viaducts, service areas and airports. It is the Italian leader in developing road surface materials and technologies.Founded in 1970 under the name COSAT, Costruzioni Stradali Asfalti S.p.A., in 1983 it took the name Pavimental S.p.A..A point of reference for the maintenance and expansion of the approximately 3,000 km of motorway network in Italy, Pavimental aims at strengthening its international presence, both in Poland, where it has operated since 2008 through its subsidiary Pavimental Polska Sp.zo.o., and in the markets of Eastern Europe, the Middle East and South America.The company is the majority stakeholder of Consorzio Stabile Co.Im.A. – Costruzioni Impianti Autostradali S.c.a r.l., established in conjunction with Autostrade Tech S.p.A. and Pavimental Polska Sp.zo.o..The company currently employs approximately 600 workers, and has a value of production of €512 million, generated by three main business lines:MAINTENANCE:Construction and maintenance of road and motorway surfaces, both in asphalt concrete and concrete.Special high-adhesion and draining road surfaces.Execution of specialized works on service areas, motorway plants and installations (expansion joints, viaducts, ramps and toll booths). INFRASTRUCTURE:Expansion and upgrading of motorway sections.Construction of unique, high-tech works (viaducts, bridges and tunnels).Creation of safety and noise barriers. AIRPORTS:Specialized construction and maintenance of airport runways and aprons.
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