Media Production - , ,
With all the changes, media can no longer pretend to set THE trend for its audience – the audiences left that class and are teaching us a new lesson every day. Watch the audience to tailor your content. Hence PAWTRAIL – tracking the trends!The advancement and innovation of media has reduced the barriers of entry in terms of hardware. Thanks to affordable Chinese technology, owning a radio is no longer a barrier in Africa. The mobile phone is being adapated in Africa at a mind blowing rate and coupled with high speed internet that is slowly becoming a reality in sub-saharan Africa, we might be on the verge of a communication revolution in and Kenya is good place to start tracking this trend. There is so much happening globally in regards to communication that it is almost impossible to keep up with all these changes – if you are as manic as we are. aggregates interesting information about media and communication primarily for Africa, but in a global village the lines are really blurred as to what is for Africa and what is not - after all - innovation for application and usage of the mobile phone globally is lead by Africa.Bookmark on your browser and sign in to blog and comment, we would love to know from and with you.