Bank - New York, NY, US
Pay Karma Corp has become a recognized leader in Payment Processing services. Through innovation and experience, we have maintained an outstanding track record of bringing ground-breaking products, services and technology to the online payment industry.Supported by the most trusted associations in the market such as trust companies, credit unions, banks and payment related companies; Pay Karma Corp connects Merchants & Customers by providing an immediate, secure and effective system to make payments over the Internet. Services OfferedBenefits to Direct Debit Transfer (DDT) Merchants:• A guaranteed payment with NO charge back• Bank transfers that are instant; Domestic and/or International Wires• Service to over 62+ countries worldwide• A secure and efficient payout serviceBenefits to Credit Card Processing (CCP) Merchants:• We provide you with a new Merchant bank account with 24/7 merchant access.• A competitive rate structure• Weekly or Daily settlement• Merchant settlement accounts in USD, CAD, Euros and GBP• Credit card processing in the country's currency• A company incorporation service and Banking services if needed within 3-5 days.• A single integration to access all of our Payments options Accepted Merchant:• Healthcareo Medical Marijuanao Nutraceutical• Financialo Bill Payments o Payday Loans o Investmentso Money Service Business (MSB)o Cryptocurrency (BTC)o Pre-Paid Cardso FXo Licensed Binary• Retailo Replica Furniture• Travel & Hospitalityo Hotelo Restaurantso Airline• E-Commerceo Clothing and Accessorieso Digital Mediao Insurance• Non-Profito Charity• Governmento Educationo Online Government Services• Entertainmento Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS)o Adulto Licensed Gamingo Social Gaming• Energy & Utilitieso Cable & Wirelesso Gas & Electrico Telecommunications