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Peace begins with me (a small BIG peace project) is a non-profit, humanitarian organization dedicatedto inner peace – actually, education, inspiration, and collaboration in the area of inner peace – knowingthat because we are all connected, inner peace is what can lead to global peace.At its most basic, it is a marketing campaign designed to balance out the constant messaging we livewith that says "you are not enough" and "the chaos is too big" for you to have an impact. We know thatis not true.We are all connected in seen and unseen ways. Science has caught up with that spiritual philosophy.What one person puts out energetically is felt by all. Orthomolecular Psychiatrist Dr. David Hawkins says in his many books that one highly conscious and loving person can balance out three quarters of a million people who are not. We are asking you to be that conscious and loving person.We use the word ‘small' in our name because we are asking for peaceful action of the smallest order thateveryone is capable of – some call it kindness. We have marketing plans to remind us to choose the small ways we can reconnect to our true nature and the small ways that we can share it. The word ‘big' is in our name for the big dreams we have of finding collaborators to help us call attention to the small ideas. We dream of a massive marketing campaign, a global concert, and a shift in thinking that makes all of us the heroes that can change the world – one ‘me' at a time.
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