Restaurants - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States PennEats is a business founded by Penn students for Penn students. Why? We were sick of working long hours at Van Pelt only to go to one of the many great restaurants on campus and not be appreciated for our work. We think students deserve a break, and many local restaurants agreed. So now, with the purchase of a PennEats card you, too, can feel appreciated for the long hours you put in at school. All cardholders receive a 10% discount at all of our participating restaurant vendors (restrictions may apply; please see the Vendors section of our website.) The card lasts you for the duration of one entire school year, with a new card coming out at the end of the school year. Want to start saving money? Head over to our Buy Now section of our website to purchase one online. We look forward to enjoying many more meals and receiving many more discounts.. So please, live by our motto: Save Big. Eat Big.
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