Real Estate - Penrith, New South Wales, Australia
WHY CHOOSE THE PROFESSIONALS PENRITH TO SELL YOUR HOME?Your home receives our Professional and undivided attention when entrusted to us.The Professionals is firstly Australian owned and arguably the largest and most successful real estate franchise in Australia. The Professionals stretches across the oceans to New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Singapore and Thailand. The Brand Name Professionals lives up to its name. We strive day to day to be professional in the way we do business. Our systems and technology are second to none incorporating Google, Facebook, Twitter and youtube. We set the standard with our staff being fully trained before they are given the responsibility of selling your home. Your home is probably your biggest asset and should not be used as training run for salespeople new to the industry. We value you.The topography of the land means you will enjoy all facets of weather, hot summer days for swimming and all kinds of games; netball, baseball or soccer and cool lazy winters reading the latest Twilight saga or catching a Penrith Panthers football match.Terry Heidtmann and his family have established and ran the business for over 42 years, if experience and longevity mean anything, we have it all covered. Follow us, get the news on Facebook and Twitter and view our properties on youtube. Go on Google or BING us today.
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