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Ted Nevins, for 27 years, has been in the finance and securities industry living in New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong and now Beijing. Mr. Nevins worked for most of the large American Investment Banks that did not survive the banking crisis. Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns, and Lehman Brothers to name a few, and he can explain in detail what caused the current World Financial Crisis.In Beijing, Mr. Nevins and his partner were the exclusive Investment Managers for China's Richest Man, ranked by Forbes, and successfully motivated a significant shift out of his core business of electronics and appliances into Middle Income Residential Housing in second tier cities. Mr. Nevins has since moved into Alternative Energy Solutions using Lithium Batteries, Solar and Wind powered technologies for Commercial, Retail, and Residential Real Estate projects in North America and Europe. Some technology will be purchased from China and exported to North American and European architects, designers and developers.
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