Management Consulting - Stamford, Connecticut, US
Peppers & Rogers Group is a management consulting group recognized as a the world’s foremost authority on customer-based business strategy. In 2014 we expanded our portfolio of services to include operational excellence and learning innovation, adding expertise to behind-the-scenes elements of the customer experience. We are dedicated to helping our clients improve business performance by shifting focus from transactions to managing relationships. As products or services become commodities and globalization picks up speed, customers have become more demanding and harder to satisfy. They hold the keys to higher profit today and stronger enterprise value tomorrow. We help clients achieve their strategic and operational objectives by building the right relationships with the right customers over the right channels, and having the right processes and employees in place. Peppers & Rogers Group removes the operational and organizational barriers that stand in the way of profitable customer relationships. We show clients where to focus resources and efforts to improve the performance of their marketing, sales and service initiatives.
Amazon AWS
JQuery 2.1.1