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PerfusionEducation.com is a site where perfusion professionals can earn ABCP SCDE Category 1 CEU and where, with our partner site, PerfWeb.US earn ABCP Category 1 CEU watching live perfusion education webinars.The ABCP regulates the number of CEU's required. Please use our links in PerfusionEducation.com to view.To summarize, a live perfusion education webinar, viewed live, is treated the same by the ABCP as an ABCP approved perfusion education conference at a hotel or other venue. And there is no limit to the number of Category 1 CEU you can earn through this method.SDCE Category 1 CEU is limited to 10 in a three-year perfusion education cycle.Category 3 CEU is limited to 15 in any three-year perfusion education cycle.The only difference between SDCE Category 1 and Category 3 is the requirement to take a post video test to verify the effectiveness of the perfusion education SDCE video program.
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