Semiconductors - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
PURE Enertech Research Inc.The WhyInventing a new technology is not easy. Commercializing the technology is even harder. PERI exists to help the creators of new solutions to move from the bench scale to the market place. The What PERI focusses on energy and water technologies that have been demonstrated at the bench scale and need to move to field testing, commercial demonstration and then to market. We tailor our assistance to the clients needs and help provide a path through the maze of government departments, funding sources and regulatory requirements. PERI can help with one of the most difficult steps ("the technology valley of death" which is arranging for a credible field test of your technology. From the outside, it may appear to be an easy path to success but there are many challenges and trials to overcome. We have experienced many of them ourselves and can help save time and money, and also preserve equity for the inventor. The HowFirst, we need an understanding, we are not the government and we don't work for free. Compensation can be negotiated depending on the stage of development, the risk to be borne by PERI and frankly how much we think your technology can play as a solution to the world's sustainability challenges. The WhoWe are experience project and program managers/executives with over 70 years of experience working in and outside of the system in Canada. We have contacts across many sectors of the economy and have connections to many of the decision makers both in industry and government. Why UsWe want to help you make your technology a commercial success. We do not seek to own your technology or your company. Talk to us and let's see if PERI's capabilities match your needs.