Oil & Energy - Midland, Texas, United States
Over 20 years of safety experience in the Permian Basin!We offer safety training, services, and equipment.TrainingArc flash training low voltage high voltageGold shovel trainingH2S clear trainingISNET world complianceMedic first aid and CPR trainingMidstream trainingMonthly/weekly safety meetingsOQ trainingPEC trainingPEC Veriforce compliancePipeline trainingSafeLand safe gulf trainingSafety manualsServicesConfined space rescueFire extinguisher sales and serviceFixed monitoring systemsH2S consultantH-9 FilingHot work permitMonitor calibrationsMonthly fire extinguisher inspectionsSite safetyEquipmentAir trailer rentalFire extinguisher sales and serviceFixed monitoring systemsMonitor calibrations and sales