Information Technology and Services - Buenaventura Lakes, Florida, United States
I thoroughly diagnose and upgrade computers to keep them optimized and secure. I have an intuitive way of finding solutions where God has something to do with it too. Great things are happening. Computers have great advantages and opportunities. And, when you go, "Eureka!" and you have your answer for somebody, you can go right to your computer, email it and be done with it before you forget about it. Fast communication is important. Get your message sent to those smart phones that they keep staring at.Also, a lot of digital work is repetitive. Know the short cuts to copy anything -- and automate those daily tasks! But you must know how to make computers safe and watch out for strange emails -- they may have worms in them. Best to delete them, I would. When you need help -- I am here - or at least shortly. If need be I can fix your computer remotely.