Internet - New York, New York, United States
When was the last time you found content you were looking for from only sources you trust, and didn't feel like you were being followed by some data-mining internet robot? We can't remember it either (unless you count going to the library). Asterisk makes content discovery faster, more relevant, and private for you by following these three principles: 1. YOUR Time Paid search results, advertisements, and uninspired suggested content waste our time – we all have the same frustrations as we browse our interests on the web. Asterisk helps you separate the wheat from the chaff in real time, without leaving the page you're on. 2. YOUR opinion. We believe that we can not, we MUST not become a society homogenized in opinions. It's YOUR world and YOU should choose where you get content. We give you search results from only the sites and sources that you specify. 3. YOUR data. Unless you are very very VERY careful, every move you make on the web is tracked, documented, and stored in some data center to be sold to advertisers. Asterisk will never take your data and will always be clear about our privacy policies.