Schools - Petersburg, Virginia, US
Petersburg City Public Schools is changing in order to become a beacon of hope in a community where education offers a path to a better life. There is no question that Petersburg students can accomplish anything if we believe in them and provide engaging and relevant learning opportunities. Our mission is to develop 21st-century citizens able to effectively collaborate, communicate and innovate. “I believe” has become the school division’s motto. Educators and administrators who believe in the power of public education should go to to see the employment opportunities. New graduates, career switchers, educators ready for a change and retired teachers are all encouraged to apply to be part of Petersburg City Public Schools. Petersburg City Public Schools offers a once-in-a-career opportunity to be part of something big. The children of Petersburg have been waiting far too long for an education that will enable them to successfully compete with students on the other side of the Appomattox River, on the other side of the United States and on the other side of the world.
Route 53
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