Veterinary - , ,
Pet owner to "Just Enjoy" having adisease free, healthy companion &no more worry about him/hergetting ill ...A Welfare Nation issimply our vision…MISSION:-Why we exist?To reorganize the pet animal care inEgypt and to take it to a morespecialized and professional level tosuite both, our valuable client andhis/her best companion pet. Oursole purpose is then to meet all yourpets' needs and to deliver a qualityguaranteed service whenever you askand wherever you live, ensuring yourpets' welfare and most importantlyyour peace of mind.DESCRIPTION:-As a respectable company and ananimal service industry leader, PNstrives to operate in a sustainablemanner and achieve sustainablegrowth built on integrity with theclient, sympathy and mercy withGod's most beautiful creatures.Many aspects of our businesscontribute strongly to corporatesocial responsibility. These includeour commitment to health, biosafetyand security towards people andtowards the environment which isdone by the application of the properhygienic standards and thusreducing animal to man and in turnman to man illness. I would finallyand proudly add that sharing andspreading our immense belief inMahatma Gandhi's quote which saysthat "the greatness of a nation andits moral progress can be judged bythe way in which its animals aretreated" is for no doubt a majorcontribution in developing oursociety.PN understands that socialresponsibility requires a long termcommitment. For so, we lookforward to continue our ongoingprogress in this important area.SERVICES:-Home visitsEmergency visitsPassportsMicroChipsVaccinationDewormingMedicationNutritional programsFood deliveryMedical treatment bathDeliveryGrooming:-NailsShowerHair cuttingPet Ambulance (SOON)Pet Taxi (SOON)Walking (SOON