Veterinary - , ,
Petwello is a company dedicated to bringing a new world of knowledge, choice and empowerment to the China's pet owners' dedication to the well-being, health, welfare and beauty of his or her pet companion. We are here to educate, shine a bright light on what professional grooming should be about. It is a light that is for every dog and cat pet parent and their heartfelt desire to do the best for their pet. Professional grooming is not one dimensional simply for style and looks, it is holistic and multidimensional. It is physical, psychological and environmental. So we illuminate Holistic Grooming. Body check, coat brushing, bathing and shampoo, hair cutting, nail trimming, ear cleaning, eye cleaning, teeth care, product, tools and environment, they all contribute to the grooming experience - connecting for the whole wellness, well-being, health and joy of pet companions. If you'd like to cooperate with us, or want to know more, follow our WeChat official account @PetWello宠我点, start care and learn.Petwello 宠我点致力于为中国的宠物主们建立一个全新的知识和选择平台。对他们来说,宠物的身心健康和形象健康都值得每一份努力。宠我点用权威专业的知识、建议、和推荐去阐释专业的宠物美护。我们根据专业严肃的研究和分析来定义和界定,为铲屎官们指明方向、避开雷坑。教育普及是我们的宗旨。专业的宠物美护并不是单一的洗浴和造型,而是对宠物全面的养护和关怀,因此我们提出了"全方位宠物美护"的概念:体检、梳毛、洗浴、毛发修剪、修甲、耳部清洁、眼部清洁、牙齿清洁等,甚至环境都紧紧关联,共同作用,造就宠物们舒适健康的美护体验。想了解更多及合作,关注微信公众号@宠我点,联系我们哟!