Major Drugs - New Delhi, , IN is your free-access, one-stop source for global pharmaceutical information. SEARCH our free database for Companies, APIs, Drugs and FIND Suppliers, DMFs, Patents, Inspection updates, Price information, Dossiers etc. PharmaCompass has successfully integrated USFDA DMFs, CEP/COS', the FDA Orange Book, DailyMed's database, Patents, Prices, Inspections along with the latest pharmaceutical news onto a single, easy-to-use platform.PharmaCompass free-access, one-stop integrated information facilitates better product and partner selection decisions.We support sales teams by keeping them always active while they access a wider range of potential customers, access price trends in different markets, analyze competitor activities and generate increased visibility for their organizations. Our partnership with sourcing teams is driven around a combined ambition to achieve continuous competitiveness. Whether your objective be cost savings, strengthening the existing supplier base or tracking market developments, PharmaCompass offers the information support needed to assist your decision making.Providing us with an opportunity to share PharmaCompass' capabilities with your team, will let them know more, connect effortlessly with over 125,000 monthly visitors and do business better. Contact us at
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