Software - Leeds, Leeds, N/A
OUR SERVICES Take control of your Pharmacy It has never been more challenging for an independent contractor to survive than today. Time and financial pressures continue to increase and the threat and competition from the multiples continues to mount. Margins are being squeezed and reimbursement and purchasing decisions become ever more complex. Have you ever thought:- I dont think I can continue like this I have to take more control of my business When will I have the time to make these decisions and implement change I cant afford to leave the pharmacy in the hands of a locum and take a holiday If the answer is "yes, I felt like that" become a part of PharmAssist Solutions. Until now the cost of implementing and running complex computer technology to control your daily pharmacy decision making has been prohibitive to the independent contractor. This has allowed the larger independents and multiples to forge ahead of the independent by utilising this technology and driving efficiency and margin into their businesses and reducing time pressure at branch level. Now PharmAssist Solutions brings this technology to the independent sector. Utilising the powerful Pharmacy Buyer software programme and integrating seamlessley with your PMR system PharmAssist Solutions delivers compliance to your buying and endorsing decisions driving efficiency into your business and freeing up valuable time for the staff. If you want the power of a multiple linked to the speed and adaptability of an independent join the ever growing PharmAssist Solutions network of independents and benefit from this unique technological offer. To take control of your business why not take a look at our four exciting software packages designed with you in mind or contact PharmAssist Solutions today.
Microsoft Azure Hosting
Bootstrap Framework
Mobile Friendly