Information Technology & Services - Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Physical Health Insights, LLC (PHI) was formed to address the most costly Health Problem in the United-States. 43% of Americans over 18 experience Muscle and Joint conditions (MSKs) causing an average of 400.000 Healthcare visits each day. MSKs are the most common cause of Disability, Chronic Care and Lost Time, more than Heart, Cancer and Diabetes together. They are a leading Healthcare expense for Individuals, Employers and Insurers alike.The Physical Health Insights Population Health Program employs a proprietary set of Algorithms which are based on 20 years of peer reviewed research. Dr. J. Mark Melhorn conducted over 100,000 assessments to Prevent, Mitigate and more effectively treat these conditions. Our mission is to provide the individuals with a unique technology to enable affordable Access, Education, Self-Care Guidance and Physician Communications to reduce the incidence of these conditions.
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