Music - , British Columbia, Canada
Matching Students and Teachers Is Key to SuccessOur core mission is to match piano students and teachers. A good match helps ensure the longevity of the teaching experience and the proper skill development of the student. Whether student or teacher, your success depends on finding the right counterpart, which can be difficult.Traditionally, students and teachers alike have relied largely on word-of-mouth to find each other.As a result, teacher selection appears limited to students, although there are many qualified and professional teachers available to them. At the same time, teachers seeking to establish and maintain their practices often struggle; while highly trained in their art, professional piano teachers are generally not well trained in marketing.For the student, finding a good teacher—let alone a good match—can be luck-of-the-draw. For the teacher, making a living with their passion seems daunting.The Piano Teachers Federation (PTF) eliminates the guesswork by providing teachers with an effective means of marketing their services. In turn, students can easily find teachers who match their criteria using search feature found on this website.To find out more, visit the For Students page or the For Teachers page, whichever interests you. Or call 604-732-8836 to speak with a PTF representative.
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