Events Services - Landsmeer, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Imagine an app, that helps you to you discover places recommended by local people. Places you wouldn't have discovered otherwise. Places that are transformed into memories. Now also imagine being able to share these memories with friends, family, and anyone else who wants to experience the same as you. This is possible with Picturoute (the app is in development). On top of all this, the consumers of the defined routes will be rewarded for all the activities that contribute to their health. Yes, you read it right. We combine two important things that you enjoy: travel and health. Follow us and get ready for an ecosystem and community that will change your world. This app will enable organizers of events to describe and illustrate the event with the main hotspots. The organizer can define the route between the different hotspots including type of transport and with information for less able-bodied persons.The visitors of the event can use the app to get information and navigate between the different hotspots. The known navigation tools can be used for this. The app will include functions for people with blurred vision.In the future the app will be extended with functions to support "study and learning". The app will be extended with functions that help the teacher/tourleader to add more specific educational and teaching text and indicators for their followers/students; a route moving along historical places or along specific items in nature, etc.All event and route data is kept in a database and can be used continuously or can be adapted for re-use in the next event.