Internet - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
PinBud is not just another directory of business listings. We are a local search site focused on facilitating free and direct service requests from consumers to multiple local service providers. \\Service consumers save time and money by searching, researching, and using our quote request form to contact their chosen contractors or professionals in their area. For service providers we offer free online business profiles as well as free unlimited service requests from potential customers. There are no pay-per-lead fees, commissions or transaction fees, and PinBud is not involved in the negotiation process between the two parties. We merely make it easier and quicker to bring them together. \\PinBud was launched in Canada in January 2010 and in United States in July 2010. Since then we have expanded to United Kingdom and Australia. Additional site features, mobile applications, countries and languages will be introduced in the next few years. We are working hard to add quality merchants to the PinBud network and then to promote their services to our users.
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