Real Estate - North Las Vegas, NV, US
Buying a new home may be the biggest investment you'll ever make. Although the process is very exciting it quickly becomes overwhelming. Have your new home professionally inspected by us before you buy. This process can save you thousands of dollars on items, which you may be able to have the seller or builder correct. We offer a full range of inspection services starting from your basic inspection to other services such as, mold inspections, radon inspections, lead based paint inspections, indoor outdoor air quality inspections, thermal imagining, termite inspections (through a third party company) and many others making us your one stop shop for your inspection needs. If you are a seller let us inspect it before you list your property. We will keep you abreast of issues you may need to resolve before you sell and offer A Pre-Listing Inspection Report shows good will to your perspective buyers and helps in the continuity of your selling process. At Pinnacle Property Inspections, we inspect every home with the same detail we would commit to if we where buying it for ourselves. Our report is a non-biased inspection with complete commitment to our clients, buyers or sellers. We are not a Realtor's inspector. We work strictly for our client's interests and are independent of any real estate companies or realtors. Let us protect your best interest. We are there for you!-Fully Insured, Licensed, and Bonded inspection company-A Certified Member of American Society of Home Inspectors (#249628) -Nevada State Licensed Inspector of Structures: License number IOS. 0001550-RE-Certified Master Inspector awarded by the Certified Master Inspection Board-Inspector for the HAP program (Homeowner's Assistance Program)-Member of both the Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors, & The Women's Council of Realtors-IAC2 Certified as well as certified in mold, radon, lead paint, indoor outdoor air quality, thermal imagining and others.