Media Production - Redondo Beach, California, United States
The philosophy of Plan 10 is founded on the idea of curiosity and creation. As a creative agency, we are always looking for the best ways to create a narrative for our clients. We don't just want to fill in templates or mimic the work of others. We want to create beautiful and thought-provoking work. We see the gap between where you are, and where you want to be, as a story well worth telling!Part of what makes art and creativity so fascinating is that it is subjective. Rather than allowing this subjectivity to frustrate us, we use it to inspire the creative process. We make plan after plan in order to entice varying audiences, and explore a variety of solutions to a singular problem. Though the beauty of what we create may be in the eye of the beholder, we work through revision to broaden the impact of our work and to meet the needs of as many as we can. Plan 9 From Outer Space was loved for how terrible it was and quickly found a following for being one of the worst films created. What makes this so fascinating though is: How can something so awful, go on to be so loved? How do contradictions go together so well? We see it everywhere! Whether it's destroying something in order to create or working with complex materials to create something simple, creativity becomes a play with juxtaposition and paradox. While our work may answer questions for the viewer, it also inspires a new set of questions by sparking curiosity and encouraging engagement. Even the number 10, though also a playful harkening to the failed Plan 9, also had ties to the idea of perfection. Throughout time the number 10 has shown up, regardless of location or culture, as a quintessential number in creation. Its connection to wholeness, completion, and the resolute implies that the number is worth much more than its numerical value.
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