Management Consulting - Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Points of You® 创造了一套创新、具启发性的培训与教练工具,适合企业培训及个人发展。结合独有的培训方式,能够增强我们的意识,创造更多全新的可能性。Points of You® 相信照片是现今最强的"语言",结合专业培训、教练、引导方式,深入探索及理解照片的内涵,激发创新的思维,开展有意义的对话。我们运用工具在不同的情景中,创造敞开心扉、有意义的沟通,帮助使用者获得启发与灵感,并将启发在生活中付诸行动。Points of You® 点优学院提供三个不同级别的认证课程,独特的氛围及创新的内容,能让你得到难忘的体验式学习经历,学习过程中可以了解 Points of You® 独特的理念,深入探索我们工具以及方法论。更重要的是完成课程后,能够有效将内容用在设计专业培训课程、一对一教练、企业团队活动等等不同的场合。你愿意加入Points of You® 中国社群 ,开启一段全新的体验吗?想了解更多,可以浏览:>>> hearts & minds!We are the Points of You® China. Since we were established in 2019 we have grown to a community of hundreds of inspiring members. At Points of You, we use innovative tools for professional and personal development. Points of You® is a leading company in the training & development industry. Our phototherapy-based tools use the powerful language of today's world, the language of photos, that inspires and provokes the mind. We use Points of You® tools to create meaningful communication in various settings, gain insights and have a real impact on people's lives.In 2019 we launched Points of You Academy - a gateway to the Points of You® world. The Academy has 3 levels of knowledge, through which you can expand your observation while participating in an ongoing personal and professional journey. Points of You Academy is a home for thousands of professional from the training and facilitators community. Climb up the ladder of knowledge at the Points of You Academy to enrich your professional toolkit and learn new methods to incorporate in your day-to-day practice.Points of You China is part of the worldwide Points of You® Tribe that includes more than 100,000 people from 150 countries around the world. Join Points of You Academy and open hearts & Minds worldwide.To learn more, visit us at