Entertainment/Media - Dana Point, CA, US
Welcome to the Pop-Daze Entertainment® (Pop-Daze) music and pop culture community! Pop-Daze® is a community, an experience generator, and a music and culture promotion enterprise that serves those of us with an interest in mid-to-late 20th Century music and popular culture. We have created a broad variety of experiences for our fans' enjoyment, including but not limited to:• An internet radio station featuring expertly curated music and interviews with community-relevant people; • A YouTube channel and other social media channels that follow some of your favorite bands and pop culture icons; • Flash-Back dinner-and-music events with era-specific themes;• Music and pop culture festivals; and,• Niche focused content dedicated to educating, supporting, and providing access to a wide range of range of lifestyle products and services including health, cannabis, and the music and pop culture of the second half of the 20th-Century.OUR VISION: Pop-Daze® has been created to give our fans a place to learn, enjoy and interact with other fans about the music and pop culture of the late 20th century. We envision providing fans with both virtual and real world experiences that bring the joy of prior eras into your day to day life style. Pop-Daze® is making the music and entertainment of your past relevant to the current sound track of your life.
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