Health, Wellness & Fitness - Oxford, Ohio, United States
Our Power Purpose is to create and provide curriculum, training, and direct services that empower people with the knowledge, skills, tools and power they need to go on the heroic journey to A Life Worth Living. Human behavior is driven by Three Primary Needs: Safety, connection, and problem solving. When these needs are not met, conflict and challenging behaviors arise that sap our strength and lead to human misery in the form of mental illness, addiction, codependent relationships, and toxic organizations. When the Three Primary Needs are met, people access the tremendous Power they have within to create lives of lasting worth. There are concrete, evidence-based strategies for meeting the Three Fundamental Needs that can be learned, practiced, and mastered at individual and organizational levels. Our framework for doing so, Power for the Hero's Journey, is based on Twelve Powers & Twelve Power Pivot Skills. These, plus the tools & knowledge we give you for the journey, enable meaningful transformation from chaos and disintegration to meaning, order, and beauty.