Insurance - Wallingford, Connecticut, US
Executive Vice President New Business Generation and Retention
PPI was founded on the belief that employers with limited HR resources deserve access to affordable benefits and technology & services that simplify day-to-day tasks while reducing overall expenses. With over 40 years of benefits administration experience through the Association of Community Service Agencies (ACSA) Trust and the Boston Insurance Employee Benefit Trust (BIEBT), PPI leverages strategic relationships with a broad array of nationally recognized insurance carriers and powerful, web-based technology to provide a single solution for multiple carrier enrollments and eligibility processing (including online enrollment and employee self-service), electronic eligibility data and discrepancy management, true premium billing and payments, COBRA Administration, and member advocacy services, all at little or no cost to the employer. PPI (Professional Pensions Inc., dba PPI Benefit Solutions) is a subsidiary of National Financial Partners Corp. (NFP).
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