Computer & Network Security - , ,
PREBYTES is a company that provides cybersecurity services for business clients, i.e., banking institutions, anti-virus software producers, and other clients worldwide. The company's mission is to fight cybercrime, thus ensuring our clients' IT security and business continuity effectively. By learning about the individual preferences of our Partner, we can precisely design protection for their cybersecurity. Our flagship services are:- MPShield - automatic anti-fraud system ATO (account Takeover), AML (Anti Money Laundering)- RDD - a system designed for detecting threats related to the usage of remote desktop activity at a user-end, at the time of using online service- DP Smart - software that creates a digital fingerprint of the device, which is used for user authentication in the online service- CTI Feed - access to a database containing up-to-date information on cyberthreats.- PREBYTES SIRT - a team of experts dealing with the analysis of reported security incidents and mitigation of cyber threats
Atlassian Cloud
Google Tag Manager
Amazon AWS
Bootstrap Framework
Mobile Friendly