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PreetiSocial is an online service for companies who are looking for freelance work to kick start their social media efforts. We provide all social media and design needs in a quick timely manner. We make sure all of our customers needs are met and satisfied. As an entrepreneur, we tend to wear many hats and sometimes can't focus on certain areas that won't generate revenue. So, how can we help businesses build their brand online?We're your solution! ("Pretty-Social") is a social media-consulting site that provides business owners (large corporations to startups) with solutions on building their brand online using major social media tactics. Social media goes beyond posting statuses; it's about analyzing the market, seeing what's trending, testing new images and more. We provide services such as copy writing for blogs, social media posts for all platforms, design work, Facebook/Twitter advertisements, and more. We will work one-on-one with clients to maximize all social media efforts by creating a unique marketing plan for each customer. The strategy consulting service includes on-site visits for major holiday or peak seasons, social media audits of current efforts as well as competitor's comparison, weekly deliverables of actions being taken to make sure major goals are being met. PreetiSocial will work around the company's budget to meet end goals. Depending on the companies industry or product they are trying to push, we will conduct a complete demographic audit to understand the target market. Many companies struggle with creating conversions from their social media accounts. Depending on the company's budget we will go ahead and work on Facebook ads to create major leads that convert. Social media is an evolving industry and always being updated. We will conduct major research to ensure that the updates on major Social media Platforms such as Facebook or Twitter are informed to the enterprise.