Internet - San Francisco, CA, us
Present helps you find things to do with people nearby. We designed it to help you make friends as you do in the real world - in groups around common interests. We're all about connecting new and existing friends through circles - our name for Present's location-based group chats - so our members can do more in real life.Present is great for connecting with people in the moment, too. Whether you're at a party or in a classroom, instead of exchanging phone numbers with people one at a time (so tedious!), you can create a circle and connect with everyone at once. Thanks to our real-time recommendation algorithm, people nearby will see your circle first. All they have to do is join it to stay connected and keep the conversation going afterward.What's more, unlike other location-based social networks, Present does all of this without sharing your location with other people. On Present, circles have locations; people don't.Join us at!
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