Information Technology & Services - London, England, United Kingdom
PCR (Primary Commodities Research) was established in 1980 as a econometric modelling consultancy to the commodities industry. With over 30 years of collaborating with Originators, Traders, Consumers, Banks and Cooperatives we offer Bespoke IT Systems & Analysis, Trade Process Optimisation, Project Management, Market Research services and Off-the-Shelf software packages for the commodities industry. Leveraging our accumulated experience, we have constructed expert trading tools for market & counterparty risk, pricing, warrants, stock valuation and position management. These tools are now aggregated into a single CTRM Suite : CC1. The Caja Data Platform is the backbone of the Suite. CC1 integrates functions that support the end to end commodities supply chain : Origination, Laboratory, Trade, Warehouse and Process. Further, CC1-Chain and CC1-Smart Contract add the latest block-chain encryption technology to the platform. CC1-Chain allows web based Digital product traceability and event driven shipment tracking. CC1-Smart enables seamless event driven immutable data exchange with insurance brokers, banks, transporters and counterparties to update policies and make payments. Our professional services team have first-hand experience of the agricultural, metals, petrochemicals and currency markets. We offer project support targeted toward optimising international trade, origination development, socio-economic support and commercial optimisation through the complete commodities value chain.
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