Machinery - , Alexandria Governorate, Egypt
our headquarter established in alexandria, egypt.We aim to create lasting mutual benefits for all our costumers.In order to prosper, it is important for us to work hand-in-hand with the community building a responsible culture that values and supports people by creating jobs, infrastructure and opportunity, as well as developing our assets and delivering strong returns. These attributes are some of the elements that help develop and uphold our core values and operating standards.our company is specialized in:*Polyurethane solutions ( truck lining , screening panels , pipe liners and accessories for belt conveyors like scrapers and impact bar ).*Belt conveyors supply and hot vulcanizing with rollers and drums supplying and repair.*steel structure ( designing, manufacturing and installation ).*Supply spare parts and maintenance.*Fabrications work - Anti wear solutions.*Electrical constructions -Electrical components supplying and installation.