Information Technology & Services - Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Primus Services Hong Kong Ltd是一間專為客戶提供資訊科技解決方案的諮詢公司。我們提供資訊科技解決方案和服務管理,以滿足客戶的營運需求。我們由工程師和產品專家組成的專業團隊,提供出色的企業支援和增值服務,以確保我們客戶的業務持續運作、高效率及安全。Primus Services Hong Kong Ltd is a Information Technology solution provider and consultancy in Hong Kong.Our company specializes in providing IT Solutions & Services Management to satisfy our customers' business needs. Our professional team of engineers and product specialists provide excellent support and value-adding services to ensure the business continuity, efficiency and security of our customers.