Printing - Częstochowa, śląskie, Poland
Printing house Drukarnia Częstochowskie Zakłady Graficzne SA, which has over hundred years tradition offers a wide scope of printing products: • company Brochures• promotional Leaflets• books• calendars • advertising folders • magazines • posters • encode, personal dataFurthermore achieves, under high-quality and maximum-security conditions, the following items:• shares and bonds• gift vouchers• other vouchers and coupons• various securities• cheques• diplomas and certificatesOur products can be secured against forgery on various ways:• guilloche against a light background• photocopy protection• micro-text• special raster• latent image• fluorescent and magnetic inks• photo- and thermo-chromic inks• watermarked paper with fluorescent fibres• numbering• bar code We would like to ensure you of the highest printed matter quality which is based on the quality management compatible with quality certificate PN-ISO 9001:2000 and our availability to execute your individual orders. Simultaneously we guarantee reliability, solidity and always keep on the deadlines. If you need any other information, please feel free to contact us on call center +48 34-324-60-26 or via e-mail:, furthermore please visit our website
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