Nonprofit Organization Management - , ,
For 30 years, Progressio Foundation has promoted "entrepreneurship for human progress" through 300 projects, ventures, initiatives, events in over 30 countries and globally. Marcello Palazzi, BSc MSc MBA, co-founded it with Dr Paul Kloppenborg and Prof Pjotr Hesseling in May 1989, as a young tech entrepreneur in the belief that "entrepreneurs change the world" for the better. Following the launch of two books: "Towards the civic economy" and "The Quest for Utilization Value: economy as the good ordering of interests", Progressio began from the Erasmus University Rotterdam to partner and collaborate with hundreds of private, public and philanthropic organizations, from large, medium and small firms to several UN agencies to the EU, the World Bank, the Government of Denmark, the city of Bremen and foundations around the world, the Getty Foundation, Tällberg Foundation, the Postcode Lottery and others. Progressio recently co-funded the B Corp Movement in Europe, which Marcello Palazzi has personally led since 2014. Certified B Corps and Benefit Corporations are a pivotal innovation for the transformation of enterprise, company by company, into vehicles for human progress, making Progressio's 30 year goal of using the power of enterprise to change the world, for the better, all the more concrete. In the next 10 years, If even 10% of the world's 125 million companies could evolve to deliver greater positive impact, the global economy would be transformed for the