Technology Consulting/Tech Services - Tallahassee, FL, US
Our goal is to help promote and grow your business or personal website to target your potential cients more effectively and efficiently while retaining your current ones. Working with your business plan, we will integrate your current Internet Marketing with a social media marketing strategy that is tailored to your business. If you don't have a website we will design, develop, maintain and host one for you. If you already have a website, it may need updating, changes, or added features. Our company offers various web services such as web design, development, maintenance, hosting, web enhancement, search engine optimization, website advertising, integrate social media marketing strategies, email communication programs, photography and internet video. If you or your company need instruction on Microsoft Office 2010 software suite, we will come to your home or office for individual or small group instruction. We consult, listen, advise and follow through with all of our clients. We value effective and continual customer service. Visit our business website and see if we can benefit your business needs. Contact us for a free consultation. Looking forward to hearing from you.