Government Administration - Salem, Tamil Nadu, India Founded in the year 2018 by Rajasekar Madhavan and his team with the tag line "Spreading Innovations" to build an Innovation ecosystem to support Students, budding Entrepreneurs, Faculties, Institution, Industries, and the Public by creating awareness about various Innovation contest Organized by Various government sectors, Industries, Incubation Centers, and Educational Institutions. Our aim is to strengthen India's innovation quotient and impact, drive policy advocacy to advance trust, and the ease of practicing entrepreneurship. ProjectContest's mission intends to create and empower new Innovation market access in India and across the globe.Spreading Innovation Awareness Program (SIA Program) is one of the first Initiative by the ProjectContest team to create awareness about Innovation Contest in the category of software, hardware, entrepreneurship, Hackathon, etc., organized by the government sector, Industries, Incubation Centers, and Educational Institutions to support students, Entrepreneurs, Faculties, Industries, Innovators and the general public. So far have given awareness about 100+ Innovation/Hiring contest organized across India and reached more than 5 Lakh+ people and our network holds 60k+ subscribers consolidating all our social media platform.ProjectContest's works Include:Innovation Contest Outreach PartnerIndustry Training Partnership(ITP) ProgramProjectContest Student Innovation Ambassador ProgramOnline Certification Courses with Industry/Academic ExpertsSpreading Innovation Series- Webinar, Talks, MotivationsInnovation Contest Event OrganizingContest Consulting/Mentoring Support
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