Electrical/electronic Manufacturing - Olympia, Washington, United States
In a cozy garage in Olympia Washington, our eclectic and motivated team bonded over tables scattered with thrift-store computer parts and miscellaneous coffee mugs. A group of individuals with specialties and interests as varied as Seattle's coffee houses, we have two things in common—a love of technology and a want to share it. We created a product that shares the things we love with the people we love, a device that lets us use our tablets without disregarding our human companions. We all have stories, images, and messages we store on our devices that deserve to be shared. But, all too often, our messages are lost in the numerous passes of a tablet around a circle, or in the hurried huddles around a screen. This inability to share the media on our tablets excludes those closest to us from the information, imagery and media that is most important to us. Project Wedge lets no message be lost. It draws individuals from the isolating world of their tablets and allows them to connect their loved ones to their valuable thoughts, messages and media. Share what matters most with those who matter most.