Information Services - Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria
PROSCAL NEXUS LIMITED (PNL) is a company registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission. The company was set up to positively impact the financial and economic landscape of Nigeria, Africa and the world as a whole. This also bears in mind, the rapidly evolving technological landscape of the business world. The business idea is driven by a passion to stimulate the economic growth and development of Nigeria and the World as a whole through effectively engaging the unemployed and under employed through various automated and innovative processes. The visionary, a fellow of ICAN, has had varied and broad-based experiences including over two decades of theoretical, practical and hands-on research into entrepreneurship, business and financial management strongly founded upon the principles of audit, loss avoidance and corporate governance. Based on the compliance consciousness of the visionary, conscious effort was made to give the business a legal form and comply with other regulatory requirements. This prompted his resilience in the face of challenges. This is also based on the desire to safeguard the interests of all stakeholders.