Health, Wellness & Fitness - Incline Village, Nevada, United States
PSA-Based Prostate Smart Screening for Cancer Using New Technology and Personal Analysis to Avoid Premature BiopsySoar BioDynamics, Inc. offers the website and Prostate Smart screening for cancer analysis services.Tom Neville, PhD, is a prostate cancer survivor with a mission to help men make better decisions. Prostate Smart screening for cancer helps men minimize their risks of regrettably late diagnosis and premature biopsy, diagnosis and treatment that can lead to impotence and/or incontinence. Premature biopsy is a likely consequence of ordinary PSA screening. Prostate Smart screening relies on new cancer screening technology and considers risk preferences that may differ from other men and from physicians. Increasing, elevated or high PSA provides early warning of prostate conditions that might be progressing cancer. New technology includes blood tests (PSA plus Free PSA or Prostate Health Index [PHI] or 4Kscore}. imaging (ultrasound and MRI) and prostate cancer risk calculators. Risk preferences consider reduction in life expectancy from biopsy delay. With smart screening analysis, many men prefer delay rather than premature biopsy triggered by ordinary PSA screening and typical rules of thumb.PSA testing is problematic because ordinary PSA screening with risks of side effects often makes men worse off than no PSA testing. Prostate Smart screening for cancer is superior to both no PSA testing and ordinary PSA screening.Keywords: #cancer, #prostate, #prostatecancer, #prostatescreening, #prostatecancerscreening, #psa, #psatest, #psabloodtest