Wholesale - Tuglie, Puglia, Italy
Protezioni Srl has been specializing in projecting and producing solutions to enlarge, protect and separate outdoor and indoor spaces in houses and locations: "Vetrate Panoramiche" and "Vetrate Scorrevoli", that is respectively folding and sliding glass curtains for balconies and terraces, "Coperture mobili e fisse", that is sliding and fixed roofs, "Recinzioni" e "Barriere Paravento", that is fences and windbreak screens suitable to separate gardens and outline outdoor spaces.Quality and innovation, efficiency, design and applications easy to be used bring out Protezioni products in the market.They are designed to satisfy customer's needs and guarantee high quality standards. The company guarantees an efficient pre- and post-sales service.Passion and high competence characterize this Italian Company, whose headquarters are in Veglie, near Lecce, Italy.
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