Human Resources - Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Psychera is a performance, engagement and wellbeing consultancy firm, specialising in supporting individuals & creating work environments that enable people to thrive.It is dedicated to creating thriving individuals & organizations by understanding how people function, identifying the gap areas in the psycho-social environment and offering solutions to create a culture of overall performance, resilience & well-being.The concept of Wellbeing, and wellbeing in the workplace, go beyond just the concept of "wellness", or healthy living. We focus on a complex blend of the physical, cognitive, emotional, social and relationship aspects of employees' working lives as strategic initiative to improve performance & engagement.We use behavioural science research, data driven analysis and evidence-based solutions to help our clients to achieve optimal performance by improving their employees' wellbeing and engagement.Our people are experts in the fields of HR, Psychology, OB, Coaching, and OD interventions. There specialize in restructuring organizations and their people strategies & develop sustainable resilient leaders and organizations. We offer Assessment, Consulting, Counselling, Coaching and Training services to companies in the people domain.Take care of your most precious resource - PEOPLE. Help them sustain & thrive.
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