Industrial Automation - Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
PT. Andona Teknik Utama was founded in 2016 as a Mechanical EngineeringFirm. Our executive team is led by Historically Individuals whose wealth ofexperience in the Mechanical Engineering and Related Fields in diverseindustry sectors has driven the company's exponential growth to its currentsuccessful levels. This experience covers the design, implementation and project management of projects in General Machine shop and Fabrication Engineering to alsoinclude Hydraulics, Pneumatics, HVAC, Refrigeration systems and ElectricalWorks. With a large workshop at our disposal, we provide total mechanicalengineering solutions for a variety of types and sized jobs. This flexibilityallows us to service a wide variety of customers from small to majorenterprises. PT. Andona Teknik Utama has the necessary resources, capacityand experience to meet current and future customer requirements.