Information Technology & Services - , Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia
SURYA INOVASI TEKNOLOGIPT Surya Inovasi Teknologi (SIT) established at 2016, it all started from the actual facts and impacts shown caused by technology movements. As the founder, Mrs. Suryaningsih realized all the business sectors can improve and elevate their performance by using technology appliance. As we know, it is correct that most of companies already relying their communications and business process on technology, but not all of them understand it is important to synchronized the technology usage with the business subject, and also with the business activities and flows, otherwise the companies will not affected by the technology appliance benefit. It is not impossible if the appliance might different from one and another, because every business industry has their own needs and requirements. However, by giving the right investment in technology sectors, the cost from human errors issue will decrease significantly, the effectiveness of the business process will increase as well, and as the final result, the company can expand their business faster and bigger. One of SIT resolutions is to help companies and factories to find the best products and services from any kind preferred brand and providing the best implementation solution that suits your needs the most.
Bootstrap Framework