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PT. UTAMA MULIA SENTOSA - JAKARTA is a company / producer engaged in the liquid organic fertilizer industry with the brand of AGRO HERBASRI that has been proven and registered in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia in its Decision Letter no. 544.OL / Kpts / SR.310 / B / 09/2016 dated 28 September 2016 with Registration No. 02.02.2016.139.The composition of the content according to the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No.70 / Permentan / SR.140 / 10/2011, the HERBASRI AGRO fertilizer can be used for all types of Food Plants / Palawija, Vegetables, Fruits, Floriculture, Spices, Forestry, Nursery and Urban Farming.Liquid organic fertilizer AGRO HERBASRI can also to improve acid soil and to add nutrients through soil media so that the soil medium becomes fertile and loose.For more info about liquid organic fertilizer AGRO HERBASRI can see our site www.agroherbasri.com